Position: Assistant Professor
(Competition Sector: 09 / D1 - Science and Technology of Materials
Scientific-Disciplinary Sector: ING-IND / 22 Science and Technology of Materials)
Description of research: My research activity covers the following research topics:
Fuel cell membranes and technology
Thin-film photovoltaic cells
Thin-film thermoelectricity
Mechanical activation of drugs for HIV and COVID-19
I am currently working on the development of polymeric membranes for fuel cell applications. In particular, my research centers around the synthesis and characterization of anion exchange membranes and the aim is to significantly contribute to the development of electrochemical energy conversion and improving energy efficiency with low greenhouse gas emissions which is expected to play a key role in the hydrogen economy. In addition, my research interests involve the synthesis of nanocrystals mainly Kesterite (CZTS) for thin-film photovoltaic technology. The research is mainly on characterization, optimization, and fabrication of Kesterite solar cells and Perovskite solar cells. Besides that, I am involved with the fabrication of thin-film thermoelectricity based on sustainable materials such as CZTS. Moreover, I am working on the mechanical activation of pharmaceutical ingredients. In particular, improving the dissolution behaviour of Efavirenz and Ritonavir for HIV and COVID-19.
Curriculum: I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Chemistry in 2009 from the Islamic Azad University, Firoozabad, Iran. After graduation, I moved to the National University of Malaysia (UKM) and I received my Master’s degree in chemistry in 2013, focusing on the synthesis and characterization of solid polymer electrolytes for Li ion battery applications. Between 2013 and 2014 I was a research assistant in different research groups working on the preparation and characterization of thin film based on solid polymer electrolytes, and biomass carbon and graphite/graphene for supercapacitor electrodes. I joined the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento in 2014 to pursue a Ph.D. focusing on the synthesis and characterization of anion exchange membranes for electrochemical applications. I worked as a Post-Doctoral researcher at Professor Scardi’s laboratory (2018-2022). I am currently working as a researcher.
I am teaching the course of Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion since 2022. I am a teacher assistant for the course of Advanced Materials for Energy Engineering (since 2018) and for the course of Environmental Materials Technology and Chemistry Laboratory (since 2019). I was awarded Uni-Trento Starting Grant Young Researchers in 2019.
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Narges_Ataollahi2
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4l3IuRIAAAAJ&hl=en
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/narges-ataollahi-23a12056/
Unitn: https://webapps.unitn.it/du/it/Persona/PER0173845/Pubblicazioni